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Maternity : Baby on Board!

As the proverb goes “as you sow, so shall you reap”, similarly a healthy mother means a healthy child. Antenatal care or prenatal care is the medical care given during pregnancy Pregnancy is a mammoth milestone in a woman’s life and is a phase of special care and needs. Each pregnancy is unique and hence every pregnant woman needs individualized care and attention. This is where I step in. Customized care is my forte. During pregnancy, a woman and her family needs to take good care of her health and that includes adhering to the regular check up schedules very diligently. Regular clinical visits and tests & sonographies at their stipulated times throughout the pregnancy at various intervals assess the wellbeing of the mother and her unborn child.

Being Indians, we are predisposed to certain disorders in pregnancy like Hypertension in pregnancy, Diabetes in pregnancy. Moreover, there might be some complications in pregnancy like excessive nausea, bleeding, premature labour pains etc. However, regular visits to the doctor can identify any warning signs of such disorders and timely interventions can avert or mitigate these illnesses to ensure a safe and healthy childbirth. The preparation for a pregnancy begins even before conception. Hence, I provide essential pre pregnancy counselling and treatment to the couple.

Delivery : The Rollercoaster

It is said that labour and delivery is the second birth of a woman. My aim is to work in partnership with you throughout your pregnancy and around the time of your due date, discuss your preferred or medically required delivery option with you and your partner. There are three types of deliveries viz. vaginal delivery, better known as ‘normal’ delivery, Cesarean delivery and the less commonly known, instrumental delivery. I am also well conversant with epidural delivery, commonly known as painless delivery. We devise a birth plan suitable for you and I hold your hand through the entire arduous yet joyous journey to ensure a safe and healthy birthing experience. Once you welcome your bundle of joy into your life, thus starts your postpartum journey with recovery & convalescence & an entire gamut of physiological and emotional changes and of course sleepless nights with your baby filled with breastfeeding, cries, milk stains, poops and burps and the shebang. This is the most crucial period in your motherhood journey as breastfeeding encourages a strong bond between you and your baby. I guide you through this and address any problems that arise along the course.

Gynecology & Cancer detection : Let’s talk and break the taboo

As a gynecologist, I understand the complexities of women’s healthcare and also that women feel awkward talking about the various issues regarding their health due to the societal stigma and taboo attached around it. Thus, I address conditions in areas ranging from puberty& adolescence, pre -marital counselling, sexual health, breast health, urinary problems and of course the most vexing and all-pervasive of them all, Abnormal uterine bleeding, commonly known as menorrhagia. Did you know, according to the NHP, Govt. of India, the prevalence of this condition is approx. 17.9%! The management is of course individualized based on your clinical profile and can be medical and /or surgical.Female genital tract cancer detection is another aspect that I deal with. Female genital tract cancer especially cervical cancer is the second most common cancer in India after breast cancer and the incidence in India is strikingly high viz. 22 per lakh women per year. Interestingly it’s a vaccine preventable malignancy as majority of the cases arise due Human Papilloma virus (HPV) infection.

Infertility : Creating families by bridging the gap with empathy and science

India is a land of contrasts. Despite a burgeoning population of over 1.38 billion, it would be hard to imagine that infertility can be a big problem. According to the WHO, the prevalence of infertility in India is a whopping 4-17%! It can be attributed to lifestyle changes, stressful work environments and the hustle and bustle of everyday life.Infertility is defined as an inability of a couple to conceive despite regular unprotected intercourse for 1 year. Usually, 85% of the couples conceive within 1 year, the remaining 15% is the lot that requires diagnosis and treatment. Successful pregnancy is a symphony of hormones, the egg, the sperm and the male and female genital tracts and of course the timing! A single wrong note at the wrong time spoils the entire harmony! Infertility can be broadly classified according to the cause as female factor, male factor, combined or unexplained. The treatment modalities include simple measures like timed intercourse, coital advice, ovulation induction, Intrauterine insemination to complex procedures like invitro fertilization (IVF) and ICSI.

Endoscopy : Small is the new big!

An endoscopy is a procedure in which the doctor uses specialized instruments especially an endoscope or telescope to view and operate on the internal organs and vessels of your body. It is also called as minimally invasive surgery or keyhole surgery. The endoscopic procedures under the purview of gynecology include laparoscopy and hysteroscopy. Laparoscopy visualizes the abdominal cavity while the hysteroscopy visualizes the uterine cavity. The various surgeries performed laparoscopically include hysterectomy, myomectomy, ovarian cyst removal, tubal ligation, endometriosis surgery and other fertility enhancing endoscopic surgeries etc. The procedures performed hysteroscopically include endometrial ablation, polyp removal, myomectomy etc.It has numerous benefits over traditional open surgery and hence is nowadays the most preferred modality of surgery because of the following reasons:

  • Better cosmetic results and less painful
  • Shorter and enhanced recovery and convalescence
  • Single sitting diagnostic and therapeutic procedure
  • Shorter hospital stays and faster return to regular routine activities

Family planning and abortion : The real women empowerment!

India is the second most populous country in the world and the world’s largest democracy at that, demographically speaking. The population is slated to continue to grow because of the population momentum and the key driving force for it is the total fertility rate (TFR) which is pegged at 2.2 as of 2017.

Family planning (FP) programs impact women's health by providing universal access to sexual and reproductive healthcare services and counselling information. Family Planning allows the youth to stay healthy and free of reproductive, sexual and mental health issues and ensures that they stay in school and complete education, increase productivity at workplace and increase savings and prioritize spending on things that improve their lives. It also allows the young to start a family at a time when they can offer the best opportunities for their children. A strong Family Planning program is thus imperative for economic growth. FP has been recognized as one of the most cost-effective solutions for achieving gender equality, equity and pay parity by empowering women with knowledge and agency to control their bodies and reproductive choices by accessing contraceptive methods. Despite the concentrated efforts, still 13 percent of the women have an unmet need for contraception (6 percent for spacing births and 7 percent for limiting births). This is where I step in and play a pivotal role. The modus operandi is to enable the couple to make responsible and informed choices and thus help in averting unintended and mistimed pregnancies, achieve desired family size and promote the health of the mother and child. This is called as the “cafeteria approach”.

Contraceptives are of various types and can be broadly categorized as permanent or reversible. Tubectomy and vasectomy are the permanent methods of sterilization. While oral contraceptive pills, IUCDS, hormonal injections, condoms etc are reversible forms of contraception. Also, abortion or medical termination of pregnancy is legal and safe in a hospital setting up to 20 weeks of pregnancy in India provided certain prerequisite grounds are fulfilled.

Sonography : The clinician’s proverbial “Third eye”

Ultrasound was introduced into the OBGYN practice almost 4 decades ago and along the way its impact has risen exponentially to a point that it is termed as the clinician’s ‘third eye’ as it provides meaningful insights into the patient’s ailment and thus ‘enlightens’ them on the path of patient care.Today, ultrasound is at the helm of affairs in modern OBGYN practice as it plays a pivotal role in obstetrical decision making and in gynecology one rarely hangs one’s hat on a diagnosis made by a pelvic exam alone. Sonography is like the backbone of infertility management. I am adept in sonography and hence can formulate a tailor-made management plan at your very first visit.